New Year's Resolutions

The tradition of the season includes the making of New Year's resolutions. So kick bad habits and start anew. Here is the top 10 of New Year’s resolutions.

  • 1. Quit smoking (It’s the advice you have probably been hearing for most, if not all, of your life.)
  • 2. Learn something new (English?!! a new software?)
  • 3. Help others (join an association, become a volunteer)
  • 4. Spend more time with family & friends (keep in contact : call, visit, email people you love)
  • 5. Stay active (take care of your body through physical activity)
  • 6. Protect the environment (walk or bike instead of driving, recycle paper/plastic/glass…)
  • 7. Be less addictive to new technologies (surf less on the net, use less your mobile phone... )
  • 8. Eat healthy (forget soda and sugar, eat more vegetables and fruit)
  • 9. Get organised
  • 10. ENJOY LIFE MORE (be positive)



My new years's resolution is number 10!!

What is your resolution???

See you soon!

Miss Soso

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