My favourite song of the week (1)

Hello pupils!

Here is a new COMMUNICATION GAME i want to introduce : Every week i will tell you my favourite song of the moment (it could be any genre and any time : rock, blues, metal, funk, reaggae, house, old song, modern song) and i will explain my choice.

Today i want you to listen to this song : "Dear Mr President" by Pink

I think it is a very good song because i like the singer Pink, the melody and the message of the song : Pink talks about very important problems in the USA like for example poverty, homeless people, drugs, alcohol, the war in Irak. 

It was released in December 21th 2006 and Pink adresses directly the president of the USA at the time (before Barack Obama) : George W. Bush. 

If you watch the video you could see him on the screen behind her.


Now it's your turn : What is your favourite song of the week?? (it could be any song)

Please EXPLAIN WHY? : leave a comment on this post with the title of your song, the singer/the group and why you like it.

Let's play!!

I hope your work experience is going well!

See you soon.

Miss Soso

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my faverite song is lmfao i sexy and i know it
<br /> <br /> Why do you choose this song?<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
My favourite song of the the week is lim beacose in beautiful rappeur
good work guys! let's try again to have a link of your video :
I likes the melody because the rythm.
i like lmfao because it's a good groupe and good musique
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