Lycéens au cinéma : Running on Empty (1988)

Hello pupils!
Here is the first movie we will see IN ENGLISH (OMG!) on Monday afternoon at the cinema : Running on Empty
It is an American movie released in 1988 and directed by Sidney Lumet. The actors are River Phoenix, Judd Hirsh, Christine Lahti and Martha Plimpton
It tells the story of a couple on the run from the FBI and how one of their sons (River Phoenix) starts to break out of this lifestyle.
Here is the trailer : enjoy!

See you soon!

Miss Soso

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je penserai bien à vous! oublie pas d'apporter un truc à grignoter :-p
<br /> <br /> In English Miss Doudou :)<br /> <br /> <br /> Thank you very much by the way!!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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